I’m Anne-Marie.
I believe to my core that everyone is meant to create in one way or another. In my opinion, it’s in our human nature to contribute to the world by expressing our creativity.
Whether it’s through science, art, growing food, teaching, I’m convinced that the ability and the need to create is within all of us, and it is what drives us.
There is so much beauty in every human, and finding our own personal way to add this unique beauty to the world should be our #1 mission!
I spent many years trying to figure out how to express my creativity. I am surrounded by a family of artists, and although I always had a visceral need to create, nothing was clicking for me.
The truth is, my academic path was all over the place, with nothing pointing me towards photography. I have a degree in agricultural business management, I’m also a massage therapist, and before all that, I studied to become a teacher!
But when the pandemic hit, I decided to start a food blog because I love cooking. One thing led to another, and I fell in love with food photography!
Although I knew right away that I had found my true passion, I was not good at it from the start! I made so many mistakes and felt completely overwhelmed by everything I had to learn.
But thankfully, I decided to take my education seriously and invest in myself. By focusing on the right things, I improved incredibly fast.
Check-out my portfolio!
Feel free to have a look at my work here:
My Special Touch